The Balance Collective has a social mission – to improve the lives of parents. We all need balance in our lives – for our health, for our happiness and for our families.

The Balance Collective aims to empower parents to achieve the career you choose, to understand your value and to make the choices that are right for your family – whether that’s:

  • Going back to work after parental leave or a career break
  • Working flexible hours
  • Achieving a career move or promotion
  • Changing career completely or setting up your own business

Ultimately, The Balance Collective supports you to create a career to enjoy, not endure.

Since The Balance Collective was launched, I have supported individual parents to improve their existing work life, to find the confidence to move to the career they want, or even set up their own business doing what they love.

I’ve worked with small businesses and large corporations to develop leadership teams and recognise the unique needs of their parental workforce, to understand that working parents can have ambitions too, to adjust their outlook and to develop a supportive and dynamic culture.

As businesses owners recognise the significant impact of balancing work and home life and understand the need to discuss parental support, I’m proud to be leading the conversation.